Launch of the consultations on Universal Activity Income, Unafo’s points of vigilance

Consultations on the implementation of the Universal Activity Income (UAR) have been launched by the Government. Unafo, the professional union for supported housing, will be a major player in providing access to housing for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Last week, she met Christelle Dubos, Secretary of State to the Minister of Solidarity and Health, to share her expectations and fears.

The consultations that have begun on the scope and implementation of the RUA will have a direct impact on access to and retention in housing, particularly supported housing.

The announced integration of housing subsidies is one of the points of discussion and raises strong fears at this stage. Indeed, these aids do not constitute a social benefit but an aid for the payment of rents. They therefore benefit many people, even if they are above the minimum social security threshold. Discussions should also focus on extending such income to those under 25.
Lors d’un entretien avec Christelle Dubos le 28 mai dernier, en amont de l’ouverture des concertations, l’Unafo a tenu à rappeler différents points de vigilance sur le Revenu Universel d’Activité.

For Unafo, the consultations must have as guidelines:
– the fight against the non-use of social rights, which implies budget allocations that are reassessed accordingly,
– the maintenance of housing subsidies in order to genuinely facilitate access to and retention in housing for all, which implies, in particular, in the event that they are integrated into the RUA, that access should not be limited to recipients of social benefits alone;
– the maintenance of the third party payer of housing subsidies, in order not to call into question the economic model of the supported housing sector. On this last point, the Secretary of State has already made a point of reassuring Unafo.

Unafo will remain vigilant and mobilized to contribute to this consultation.

About supported housing
The term supported housing covers all very social housing solutions offering social rental management, support adapted to people’s situations and a variety of services.

For Unafo, this includes social residences, young active residences, boarding houses, foster homes, young workers’ and migrant workers’ homes.

The supported housing sector is:
– welcome people in difficulty
– to provide them with housing
– provide “flexible and adequate” support to individuals and households to access and live in housing.

About Unafo – Union professionnelle du logement accompagné
Unafo, chaired by Jean-Paul Vaillant, Director General of Adef, and led by Arnaud de Broca, is the Union professionnelle du logement accompagné. It brings together the initiatives of 133 actors, who manage nearly 140,000 housing units (social housing, boarding houses, young working people’s homes, young workers’ and migrant workers’ homes) and enable people in precarious situations to access and maintain housing. Unafo represents its members, leads and structures the network, professionalizes the sector.

Press contact :
Unafo – 01 40 71 71 10
Virginie Camelin – 06 67 29 01 94
Agence Bpr France – 01 83 62 88 10
Pierre Bethuel – 06 60 91 78 89
Sophie Decaudin – 06 03 34 05 00

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