Supported housing for young people’s housing L’Unafo and its members meet the needs of the population.

In its magazine Action Habitat n°54, which has just been published, Unafo devotes a feature on young people’s housing, built with the Union’s members.

Unafo members house more than 30,000 young people within their structures and are therefore at the forefront of supporting this audience with multiple profiles and needs.

Supported housing has been a pillar of young people’s housing for several decades. In addition to the young workers’ homes (FJT), the appearance of the young active residents’ residences (RJA) has added an extra string to the managers’ bow, who also welcome some young people in classic social residences or student residences. This complementarity illustrates the sector’s ability to adapt to the evolutions and needs of this audience over the years. The diversity of the structures reflects the diversity of the target groups (students, apprentices, trainees, full-time or part-time employees, temporary workers, job seekers, unaccompanied minors, etc.).

The issue also highlights the significant differences from one territory to another – both in terms of economic situation, housing pressure and pressure from local public authorities. In the absence of a clearly stated national policy on the subject, decisions taken at the local level can range from extreme to extreme, from perfect agreement with managers and a good understanding of the subtleties inherent in supported housing to arbitrary – and often contrary to the interests of young people themselves – decision-making.


Unafo members note a strong precariousness of a part of the young public which does not necessarily suit the functioning of the structures, except in the FJTs where there is the most complete social support, in particular thanks to the socio-educational service (PSE). Unafo has taken up the subject in recent weeks and published a note recalling its wish to be fully involved in the consultation and drafting of the future circular on the PES.

The Union also stresses the need for the State and the NACF to affirm political orientations coordinated with other public policies, such as housing, of course, but also the strategy to combat pauvreté́ or child protection.

Unafo has about 10,000 places in the FJT, 10,000 places in the RJA and 10,000 places in student residences.

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